Homework is listed the day it is assigned, to be due the following class period unless otherwise noted.
MAY 1 — Complete your course evaluation here.
MAY 3 from 11:30–2 pm — Sight-Singing Final Exam
1. Two prepared melodies (one accompanied by me, one unaccompanied)
One sight-read melody
3. One sight-read rhythm
4. Singing
intervals from a given pitch
Bitonal children's tune (Mary Had a Little Lamb — sing in one key, play in a second key)
11:30 Mikayla
11:40 Sam
11:50 Tim
12:00 Faares
12:10 Elise
12:20 Morgan
12:30 Harrison
12:40 Adam
12:50 Kristin
1:00 Brandi
1:10 Delaney
1:20 Lauren
1:30 Emily
1:40 Jeremy
1:50 Julia
2:00 Tali
APR 29—Transcription of a short piece from a musical tradition that is not strictly notated (something for which sheet music is not readily available—don’t cheat). Each student may choose music of any genre, but must have their selection approved by the instructor by MAR 29. Transcriptions should be notated with music software, and part of your grade will take professional presentation into account, specifically legibility and attention to detail (dynamics, articulation, etc.)
While you think about your transcription proposal, the music you transcribe should meet the following qualifications:
—Not already be notated (meaning if I Google sheet music for it, I shouldn't be able to find it easily)
—Be at least 1 minute in duration, but not more than 5 minutes long (whatever seems reasonable given the other requirements/complexity of the selection)
—Include post-tonal harmonies or altered scales (try Portishead and later Radiohead if you don't know where to start).
—Notate the parts that make sense to notate in score format (each instrument gets own line) — vocal line with lyrics, bass line, countermelodies that appear, harmonic progression, musical elements that stand alone, guitar part might just be chord symbols and rhythms. Try to give me the best representation of the music you can without going crazy notating detail and nuances of inflection, etc. Here is a guide to notating drumset parts.
—Be sure to email me a PDF of your final transcription and include a link to the source file recording you used so I can check your work.
APR 26 — Dictation Quiz 12 (no Auralia homework)
APR 19 — Dictation Quiz 11 + Auralia homework 10 due
APR 12 — Dictation Quiz 10 + Auralia homework 9 due
DUE APR 8 — Dictation Quiz 9 (take home) — Transcribe Nine Inch Nails' "March of the Pigs" from 0:00 to 0:52 (straight sixteenths) notating vocal line, electric guitars 1 and 2, bass, and drums (notate low drum (bass) vs. high drum (snare) and the correct rhythms, the rest of the drum notation is irrelevant). It repeats a lot, so copy and paste will help save time once you figure each line out. This piece uses mixed meter—once you figure out the pattern, it also repeats in a 4-bar phrase. I recommend finding this skeleton first and then transcribing the music.
MAR 29 — Dictation Quiz 8 + Auralia homework 8 + Transcription proposal due
MAR 22 — Dictation Quiz 7 + Auralia homework 7 due
MAR 18 — NO CLASS (practice Auralia and sightsinging)
MAR 11–15 — SPRING BREAK (no class)
MAR 8 — Dictation Quiz 6 + Auralia homework 6 due
MAR 1 — Dictation Quiz 5 (take home) — Transcribe Portishead's "Humming" from 2:26 to 3:18 cadence ("Naked...so wrong") notating vocal line, bass line, and organ chords in music notation software — due Mar 4
(Auralia homework 6 will be due next week)
FEB 22 — Dictation Quiz 4 + Auralia homework 5 due
FEB 15 — Dictation Quiz 3 + Auralia homework 4 due
FEB 8 — Dictation Quiz 2 + Auralia homework 3 due
FEB 1 — Dictation Quiz 1 + Auralia homework 1+2 due
JAN 25 — Mock dictation quiz
Homework: Auralia MUS228(VOLNESS)-1 due Feb 1
JAN 23 — First day of class